Sadly, i have to pack, im moving into the new place this week/ through out this next week, so im gunna be a busy girl! Thankfully i got a lil bit of some partying in last weekend for my girls 22nd birthday, was alot of fun saw a bunch of old friends….a random club pic we posed for pretty tame for us, all i got on my camera, soon as they upload the pics they have ill see if we got anything incriminating on camera hehe..

It was so freaking hot out so everyones a lil sweaty and the make ups all comming off, but we had a blast for sure!
I also found this random picture on my camera of me aparently being bent over n ass raped by one of my girls haha, what can i say she knows me well, hit it from behind two times!!! (ignore the glass eyed hammered mess that is me, enjoy the girl on girl that could be hehe)

And of course, ive been busy making new sets for yall to enjoy (sneak peek from a set that isnt even live yet below!!!), so when im busy lugging heavy furniture up stairs and off of trucks, yall can sit back with or without a certain appendage in hand and enjoy the show!

Cant you tell im ready for you? Come n take me on the bed already, i mean im even doing the work of undressing me for you!!
Hehe anywho, hope you all have an awesome weekend and wish me luck with packing n shit, im terrible at it, im prolly just gunna throw stuff in garbage bags n put it in the car haha….so if you are going out and enjoying memorial day weekend be sure to take two shots for me! Lots of love!
~xoxo K