I cant believe i’ve been with GND for a year wow!! so these were from last summer i took with a friend, we were out tannin and decided what a good time for a photo shoot!! this whole set is in my site, jees i havent changed a bit!! :p if your not a member of my site yet why not!! click here to check out my site and see all my goodies!
i was rummaging thru my candid pics on my site n saw this one n laaaughed so hard!!! i had so much fun this nite if u sign up to my site u get to check out all my candid picssss same with my photosets n vids of me to
hope to c u in there!!!
oh ya I do! thi is my latest update and I looooved doing this photoshoot cause I got to play nintendo the whole time heh but the music got a little annoying when i actually stppped to take some pics.. but it was funnnn! but then again i always have fun in my pics and u can totally tell, u should check em out if u aren’t already one of my members mister!
…So this summer is going to be like Kayla overload baby! Just moved into my new place, my new room, and im so stoked to be taking new sets! lost my usb cord in the move, so my last set was webcam but i got a new one and am uploading fresh digi sets as we speak! So be on the look out they’re coming soon!
Also i have allot more privacy here then before so ill be making much naughtier vids n pic sets and well….many more webcam shows! Im aiming for a minimum of two a week as always. Although this weeks been hectic (unpacking, getting settled) and only got one on Wednesday so you better be there, make it count!!!!! But the next few weeks will be awesome!
Finally summer, finally excuses to buy skimpy skimpy clothes and bikinis, cause its hot! And yeah you’ll be seeing allot of me! Well heres a few samples from the webcam update last week!
~xoxo K
Hey Sadie here! Want to know what i’ve been up too lately? Taking shoots outside is what ^_^ It was a really nice day and i wasnt cold at all being totally naked. You really enjoy the sun when your prancing around naked at the park haha. I plan on having a lot more outdoor shoots because there quite a thrill. I might of been spotted by someone walking there dog which was hilarious at the time lol. But other than that there was no one around.
Man i love summer..
If you want to see more of me i’m over at www.gndsadie.com babes <3
Lots of love Sadie